
Alles rund um World of Warcraft, was nicht in die anderen Foren passt.

Moderator: ShAngO-Schamanen

Beiträge: 129
Registriert: Di, 17. Mai 2005, 12:03


Beitrag von nillsen »

Also ich finds lustig, auch wenns alt ist :) Der Zusatz weiter unten ist auch gut :)

There was once a kid who went to the Blizzard God..

He said,
"I want 2 be an ubar tank?!11", and Blizzard gave him shield and mail
He said,
"lolo I wunt 2 be a maege 2", and Blizzard gave him instant nukes
He said,
"I want to heal", and Blizzard gave him heals
He said,
"but WTF? Druids getz formz so ken i tu plxz?", and Blizzard gave him wolf form
He said,
"OMGLOLOL, my heals r not the instantz", and Blizzard gave him nature's swift
He said,
"OMG but warriorz r teh hit so hard wit teh weaponz?", And Blizzard gave him Windfury
He said,
"BUT TETZ NO FAIRZ, teh enemyz r having pewerful bufforz?", And Blizzard gave him an instant low mana
cast Purge
He said,
"K BUT I STILL KENT kite 4ever lyk teh OMG?", and Blizzard made the frostshock effect last longer than
the cooldown

So the kid went on killing lowbies, shouting "WTFLOLOL PWND n00Bz0Rs" and using /spit.
After 7 hours of corpse camping, something terrible happened! A bunch of level 60 alliance guys managed
to kill the shaman! *

The kid went to the Blizzard God and said,

"OMGWTF, I R TEH DIEDZ BT I DUNT WUNT 2 do teh corpze runzors? i die lyk wtf i shundnt ROFL!"", And Blizzard
gave him a self rez with no sickness

And so the shaman class was born.

*and while the lvl60 was killing the scamygod the bi.tch-pala stands next to them in his bi.tch-bubble and looked imun for every damage he could imagin

so the kid went to the WoW-god and said:"rofl lololololol the is imune *wayne*"
and god said: " hey nothing to worry about, their is no air in his n00b-bubble so he can´t breath and his brain is dieing step by step, but hey this is a little bit unfair so u get also a bubble und a nice cast witch makes a fire in the bi.tch-bubble so that the bi.tch-pala will burn like he is in hell"
and the kid jumps in the air because he was so happy about his new class: the PALAMANE - the ultra IMBA-class witch u can only use when u are younger then 12 years

Quelle: ... 1#post9542
und weitere...
So is the RP/PVP server going to be filled with 12 year olds with names like "elfkilla"

OVER 9000!!!
Beiträge: 11501
Registriert: Fr, 29. Aug 2003, 23:00
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Sneedy »

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies," said Jojen. "The man who never reads lives only one."
- George R. R. Martin (AdwD - p.452)
Beiträge: 1679
Registriert: Mo, 28. Feb 2005, 10:07
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von Basti »

Das hatte Koshi doch neulich in MC gepostet :D
~ Dein Neid ist meine Anerkennung, dein Hass mein Sieg ~
Holy SHIT!
Holy SHIT!
Beiträge: 15345
Registriert: Mi, 09. Jul 2003, 23:00
Wohnort: Dublin / Irland

Beitrag von Zar »


nur ohne das pala zeugs... aber das fand ich auch nicht so witzig, dafür kann ich mich jedesmal wieder über das andere beeumeln ^^
Vor mir die Sintflut.